
Ellie's Surgery

Ellie was amazing today! She had to get tubes and have her adenoids removed this morning. She was great when we got there at 7:15 this morning. She even interacted with the nurses and other staff more than normal - not her normal shy self. I knew that she was going to freak out when they took her away from me so we opted to give her a drug that would calm her. She got very 'loopy' and couldn't even sit up by herself. The Child Life Specialist came and gave her a doll to color and tell her about her surgery. It was so funny because she was getting so 'loopy' at that point that she could hardly color by the end. I laid her in a wagon and she was wheeled off to surgery. It was very fast - probably only 30 minutes or so. When they brought me back in she was just waking up and was just clear upset because she had an IV in her foot. She does not like things on her feet and the IV put her over the edge. She was hysterically screaming and crying up until about the last 20 minutes before we could take it off. She only calmed down because we gave her a dose of Lortab. Once we got the IV off her foot she just wanted to go home to see her Sammy and eat! When we got home she ate a whole can of soup and some cereal and then slept for about 3 1/2 - 4 hours. When she woke up she was doing great. She eventually started chasing Sam and trying to jump up and down (she was still a little 'wobbly' from everything). Ellie was an angel today and her sweet little brother was so concerned and made sure his sister had everything she needed. I have the cutest kids ever! :)

Ellie playing before she got her 'calming' drug. :)
After she got her 'calming' drug and her new dolly! :)
A very upset girl after surgery because of that darn foot!
The cause of the trouble! :)
So Sweet!
Ellie and her amazing daddy!


  1. I'm glad everything went well. I don't blame Elli for being upset. I would hate an IV in my foot too.

  2. Oh...poor little Ellie. I hate to see little ones sick. It makes me so sad. :( It sounds like she did a great job-what a big girl!
